The Road Warrior Minute 55 - How is the rig?


The Curmudgeon is taken with the Gyro Captain’s flying machine and wonders if it can be used to ferry people away from harm. Up on the wall, Zetta checks on Pappagallo whose main concern is the condition of the rig. Using the tried and true strategy of shouting across open spaces, the Mechanic and his assistant relay the extent of the damages to the rig. We’re joined this week by Brad Mendenhall from The Cosmic Geppetto Podcast.

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The Road Warrior Minute 54 - It's a precision instrument


Suddenly alone against the entire compound, Wez beats a hasty retreat, vaulting over the compound’s moat to scurry away. The Gyro Captain takes this opportunity to land in the compound. Things begin to settle as the horde retreats into the distance and the clean up begins. In the middle of it all is the Gyro Captain who finds himself divided between greeting the compound dwellers and trying to keep the Feral Child from touching his gyrocopter.

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The Road Warrior Minute 53 - You can run, but you can’t hide


Distracted by the fighting behind him, Pappagallo lets his guard down and falls prey to an arrow shot by an attacker causing him to collapse and leave the flamethrower unattended. Both Wez and Max see this and begin a race to the weapon. Wez swings and climbs across the compound while Max takes off running through the mayhem of raiders and dwellers. Max is able to reach the flamethrower and fend off another wave of marauders charging the gate.

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The Road Warrior Minute 52 - The gate, the gate!


The rig is in the compound, but the danger is no over as several raiders, including Wez, were able to get past the bus gate before it closed. From his defensive position, Pappagallo is able to destroy one raider vehicle and keep the rest of them at bay. Meanwhile, Wez is trying to direct the raiders inside the compound to gain control of the gate but finds his efforts made difficult by the fierce opposition from the compound dwellers.

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The Road Warrior Minute 51 - Snakes on a Gyrocopter


The compound is in sight as Max makes the last push through the raiders. Suddenly, Max is blindsided by Wez, who punches through the side window nearly trying to pull Max out of the rig. As Max fights off the raider in his window, more marauders close in on the rig, shooting at the tires. Not content to be an observer, the Gyro Captain drops one of his snakes onto a raider, causing them to panic and crash, giving Max the time to make it inside the compound.

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The Road Warrior Minute 50 - Taking aim


The sounds of the approaching rig reach The Lord Humungus as Max continues to barrel past encampments. Though a raider is able to smash the rig’s windshield, Max’s focus is on the road ahead. Meanwhile, Lord Humungus has armed himself and takes careful aim at the rig, succeeding in damaging the internal systems as it speeds by, tearing away a tent in the process. Our special guests this week are Adam and Jake from the Dark Knight Minute podcast.

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The Road Warrior Minute 49 - A rough morning commute


Raiders scramble to their vehicles and give chase as Max begins to speed his way through the camps. One marauder tries to side swipe the rig, but Max is too skilled and deflects the car away, to the delight of the Gyro Captain, watching from high above the action. Despite this victory, Wez is quick to strike, shooting at the rig’s tires before moving into position and leaping from his motorcycle onto the rig in order to meet Max in closer proximity.

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The Road Warrior Minute 48 - Go! Go!


It’s just Max and Dog, as the two prepare to make the run through the raider camps between them and the compound. Max steels himself and takes off down the packed dirt road, but He’s not alone, as it’s quickly revealed that the Gyro Captain has freed himself from his restraints and is following Max in the gyrocopter. Wez is the first to hear Max approaching and whips the other raiders into a frenzy in order to stop the rig before it reaches the compound.

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The Road Warrior Minute 47 - You and me, we're partners


With some coaxing from Max, the rig sputters and rumbles to life, billowing clouds of dirt and dust into the air. An excited Gyro Captain cheers but quickly realizes that Max intends to abandon him, which he prevents by calling out and inquiring about his fate. Reluctant to dwell too long on the subject, Max tosses a set of keys to the Gyro Captain allowing the chained man to free himself. With that settled Max takes off in the rig, leaving the Gyro Captain behind.

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The Road Warrior Minute 46 - The basics of aerodynamics


Max’s efforts in searching the dead wastelander are rewarded with an intact shotgun shell which He promptly loads into his shotgun revealing that the firearm was empty the entire time. The Gyro Captain tries to shame Max for his deception, but the road warrior is only interested in using the gyrocopter to make the rest of the journey fast and easy. After a relatively short flight, Max and the Gyro Captain reach the rig and they set about getting it started.

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The Road Warrior Minute 45 - I trained it, I'm gonna eat it


Week 9 draws to a close as Max, the Gyro Captain, and Dog return to the dried riverbed where lies the Gyrocopter. Alongside the flying machine is a new vehicle, the buggy of an unfortunate wastelander who fell victim to one of the Gyro Captain’s snakes. Max sets about searching the body for supplies as his two companions argue over who’ll get to eat the snake. This week’s fresh eyes are provided by Ethan McKinley from Two-Minute Terminator.

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The Road Warrior Minute 44 - You know what I miss most of all?


On the white sandy bed of a dried out river, the Gyro Captain drags the dead wood that serves as the ball on his chain. He trudges along, making his way back to his beloved Gyrocopter, but the familiar sound of a dog barking makes him stop dead in his tracks. Turning, the Gyro Captain sees the Road Warrior and his Dog. Dog is quick to catch up to the Gyro Captain and Max exchanges the dead wood for cans of gasoline, and the three continue on together.

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The Road Warrior Minute 43 - The Lord of the Rings moment


With the coast clear, Max picks up his gas cans once again and continues onward, following the pointed directions provided by the Feral Child. As Max disappears once again into the night, the Feral Child watches him go. By dawn’s light, Max has reached his camp atop the ridge to find the Gyro Captain has absconded with the tree he was chained to, and with a weary look Max begins the long trek back to the Rig he saw two days earlier.

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The Road Warrior Minute 42 - Spooky howling


Happy Halloween! It’s the darkest minute of The Road Warrior as Max finds himself hiding in a ditch from the raider that heard him fall. It’s a tense situation as even the slightest noise would alert Bearclaw Mohawk to Max’s position and rally the camp. Luckily, Max is not alone and the Feral Child appears providing Max with a clever distraction for the raider, convincing him that the sound he heard was merely wild dogs.

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The Road Warrior Minute 41 - Into the Night


Max picks his way across burned out wrecks and disappears into the night carrying his liquid payload as well as the hopes of all those who dwell within the compound. However, the night is dark and full of horrors as Max tries to skirt around the raider camps and finds himself falling into an unseen ditch. The clamor raises the suspicions of Bearclaw Mohawk, who moves to investigate the noise. Lying in the bottom of the gully Max pulls his knife and waits.

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The Road Warrior Minute 40 - 5 gallons of diesel and some high-octane gasoline

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Having heard Max’s demands, Zetta reminds those gathered of their earlier failures, but expresses a willingness to let the road warrior try. The other members of the inner circle are wary of putting their fates in Max’s hands, but Pappagallo agrees to Max’s proposal and the deal is struck. Laden with fuel cans, Max leaves the compound that night as the dwellers watch him go. The special guest this week is Gerry Porter from the Indiana Jones Minute podcast.

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The Road Warrior Minute 39 - You wanna get out of here you talk to me

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Unimpressed by Pappagallo’s speech, Big Rebecca calls his plan into question, to the Warrior Woman’s displeasure, and compound dwellers begin to drop their weapons at Her feet. The Captain’s Girl expresses her apologies to Pappagallo, but Max, silent until now, interjects that he has a solution to their problem. Later that night Max lays out his terms for this new agreement before Pappagallo and the compound’s inner circle.

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The Road Warrior Minute 38 - More than just a tanker of gas

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Max reaches into his jacket and produces the music box he retrieved from the truck driver’s corpse in minute 9 and plays it for the Feral Child. The boy is captivated by the device, and Max decides to gift it to him, which delights the child before he scurried back into his hole. Back in the center of the compound, Pappagallo reminds the other dwellers that their failure to protect the fuel could result in them never reaching a place beyond that vermin on machines.

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The Road Warrior Minute 37 - And let us suppose he keeps it...

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Continuing their debate from minute 36, Zetta claims that once outside the safety of the compound, the raiders will cut them down like pigs, a statement Big Rebecca adamantly opposes. Curmudgeon steps forward and offers to parlay with Humungus, but Pappagallo is not willing to walk away from all they’ve worked to build. Meanwhile, the Feral Child emerges from his tunnel by Max and shows off his bloodied boomerang.

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The Road Warrior Minute 36 - We don't have to die

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Having delivered his terms, The Lord Humungus’ and his horde drive away leaving the compound dwellers to decide their fate. Some react with defiance swearing they will never walk away, but Big Rebecca pleads with the other compound dwellers to accept the warlord’s dubious offer. Her position is countered by Zetta who claims that accepting the marauder’s offer would only result in their complete annihilation.

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