Mad Max Minute 39 - Goes to water on a dummy

Johnny gets a little lesson in speaking out of turn as we fade back to Goose, neglecting his police radio at the Sugartown Cabaret. There is a discussion of the appropriate use of profanity, the difficulties involved with filming scenes over the course of a day, and the confusing relationship that Toecutter shares with the members of his gang.

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Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Mad Max Minute 38 - The Bronze, take our pride

Toecutter puts an end to the joviality and vaguely outlines how the gang will handle their police adversaries. We marvel at Toecutter's unwavering sway over the other Acolytes, the idea that being openly challenged by the police is a new thing to them, and we take a closer look at Toecutter's object lesson.

We have a listener's discussion page on facebook. Find it at:
Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Mad Max Minute 37 - Here he is, the walking armpit

Johnny and Goose have a few more barbs to throw at each other before Bubba is able to drag his compatriot away from the Halls of Justice. From the brick and mortar of the MFP, we transition to a sunny beach where we catch up with the Acolytes as they've found a new friend to keep them occupied.

We have a listener's discussion page on facebook. Find it at:
Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Mad Max Minute 36 - Get him out of here

It took three days and a weekend, but the tension has finally boiled over as Johnny places the straw that break's the proverbial camel's back and Goose lets him have it. Along the way our heroes tumble through doors in space and time, Roop does his funny run, and we start hearing voices from unknown sources.

We have a listener's discussion page on facebook. Find it at:
Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Mad Max Minute 35 - This man is grossly offensive!

Fifi's master class in how not to control a situation continues as tempers flare over Johnny's release. There's a lot of discussion about the justice system by two people who are neither lawyers nor experts, so don't take anything as gospel. Goose gets rough, Fifi puts his foot in his mouth, and we identify another crossroad where things could have turned out drastically different.

We now have a listener's discussion page on facebook. Find it at:
Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Mad Max Minute 34 - No one showed. No one

Things are starting to go downhill as Fifi and Max return from the courthouse with Silvertongue and the People's Observer in tow. Also, charlie's cubicle is put under the microscope, Goose gets knocked off of his high horse, and Max struggles to sit on his friend.

We now have a listener's discussion page on facebook. Find it at

Mad Max Minute 28 - It's a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card

It's a mid-week break from focusing on the couple in the chevy as we fade over to Max and Goose during a traffic stop. We take this break in the action to distract ourselves with talk about geography, custom motorcycles, and how frustrating it is that the normally talkative dispatch suddenly has nothing to offer when Goose asks for more information. Visit us at our Website:

Mad Max Minute 24 - Take him away

As Toecutter sends his lieutenants away with the Station Master, we contemplate what he might be comtemplating, and probably give him too much credit. Back on the main street, the troops are restless which results in the gross mistreatment of a milkshake that sets events in motion that will forever alter the course of the entire Mad Max Series.Visit us at our Website:

As Mentioned in today's episode, here is the playlist of Howard Eynon's music on Youtube, presented by Earth Recordings