Fury Road

Fury Road Minute 49 - One, Two, One, Red, Black, Go


The War Rig drives deeper into the canyon under the watchful eye of the Rock Riders on their dirt bikes. Furiosa asks Max what she should call him, but Max is unwilling to give his name. She doesn’t press the issue and shows Max the sequence he’ll need to override the kill switches and start the Rig.

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Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Fury Road Minute 48 - Back in the hold


Furiosa explains how she made a deal with the tribe that controls the canyon and orders everyone back into hiding. She turns to Max and says that she needs him to stay close by and drive the rig in the event that the deal breaks down. Max climbs down into the passage that leads to the tanker, keeping Angharad with him as an insurance policy.

Special Guests: Tom Taylor and Pete Mummert from The Indiana Jone Minute

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Fury Road Minute 47 - Who killed the world?


With Nux largely under control, Max notices that another War Party has appeared on the horizon. Furiosa recognizes them in an instant; The Bullet Farmer has come from the Bullet Farm. Nux delights in their arrival, but the Wives pull him back and confront his fanatical devotion to Immortan Joe, eventually throwing him from the War Rig.

Special Guests: Tom Taylor and Pete Mummert from The Indiana Jone Minute

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Fury Road Minute 46 - No unnecessary killing


As Max fixes the brakes on the fuel pod and frees himself from his muzzle, Furiosa and the wives quickly find that they have a stowaway. Nux bursts up through the floor and throws a length of chain around Furiosa’s neck. Angharad and the other wives are quick to act, subduing the War Boy and stopping Furiosa from cutting his throat.

Special Guests: Tom Taylor and Pete Mummert from The Indiana Jone Minute

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Fury Road Minute 45 - Dragging something out back


Furiosa roars in frustration as the War Rig shudders in protest, it appears that the fuel pod’s brakes have locked up. She is determined to check out the situation, but Max stops her, and volunteers to go himself. Max takes his bag of guns and heads along the top of the tanker, while Nux picks his way along the bottom towards the rig.

Special Guest: Alan Sanders from The Wilder Ride

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Fury Road Minute 44 - Coming to count the cost


Max notices that the War Rig is headed towards a canyon in the mountains ahead and does his best to alter their course, but Furiosa points his attention to the new War Party that has appeared coming over the landscape behind him. Capable and Angharad take up their looking glasses and reveal that Gastown has brought its full might to bear.

Special Guest: Alan Sanders from The Wilder Ride

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Fury Road Minute 43 - He's a crazy smeg


Nux is able to catch up to the War Rig and hop aboard. Meanwhile, Max begins systematically disarming the War Rig, pulling weapons from all of the different hiding places in the cab. All the while the Wives talk to each other about their new captor, each offering their own take on his intentions and capabilities.

Special Guest: Alan Sanders from The Wilder Ride

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Fury Road Minute 42 - Of all the legs you had to shoot


Furiosa and the wives get into the War Rig and present Max with a file to begin wearing down his muzzle. Furiosa reaches down to start her kill switch sequence, but Max stops her and reaches down to retrieve a gun hidden below the steering wheel. Meanwhile, Nux regains his senses and takes off running after the War Rig.

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Fury Road Minute 41 - A five-minute head start


Max has decided that Furiosa can come along, but She refuses as she isn’t willing to leave the wives behind. Max looks back at the approaching War Party and decides he’s willing to wait it out. Furiosa mounts the War Rig and explains to Max why it’s a bad idea to rely on Immortan Joe’s generosity and offers to help remove his mask.

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Fury Road Minute 40 - Pick up what you can and run


Furiosa and the wives take off running after the War Rig, with The Dag giving one last disdainful kick to the discard chastity belts. Max thinks he is home free, but the Rig begins to shut down, much to his dismay. Furiosa and the wives are able to catch up to Max, and Furiosa explains to Max how the War Rig goes nowhere without her.

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Fury Road Minute 39 - We're going to the Green Place


Cut free from the chain and finally able to move about independently, Max retrieves his jacket from Nux and delivers a swift punch in return for all the blood he stole. Angharad makes for the War Rig, but several more warning shots stop her in her tracks. Max boards the Rig, starts it up, and drives away.

Special Guest: Cassadilla from Wicked Wasteland

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Fury Road Minute 38 - Glory me, blood bag!


Despite Furiosa and The Wives’ efforts, Max and Nux are able to gain the upper hand and pin Furiosa to the ground at gunpoint. Nux delights at this development, seeing glory close at hand. Max is less concerned with the gratitude of the Immortan and more concerned with Nux finally cutting the chain that connects them.

Special Guest: Cassadilla from Wicked Wasteland

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Fury Road Minute 37 - I got it


Max’s is on the defensive as Furiosa tries to crush his head with her bolt cutters, but Max is resourceful and uses a car door to defend himself and counter attack. Furiosa is undeterred and retrieves a gun hidden on the tanker, escalating the stakes of the fight just as Nux regains consciousness and enters the fray.

Special Guest: Cassadilla from Wicked Wasteland

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Fury Road Minute 36 - Furious vexation


The Dag steps forward to cut Max’s chain, but she gets distracted by the approaching War Party in the distance. Max reminds her of the task at hand, but the chain proves his undoing as Furiosa is able to blindside Max and quickly gain the upper hand. Now Max is in a fight for his life against a deadly Imperator.

Special Guests: Caitlin, Karen, and Liz from Foxes in the Henhouse

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Fury Road Minute 35 - Wharrgarbl


No doubt parched from his time strapped to the front of the Nux Car, Max growls out a demand for water. Furiosa nods to Angharad and she brings Max the water hose, which he quickly grabs and opens to drinks his fill. Satiated, Max holds out the chain attached to his muzzle and grunts to show his desire to be cut free.

Special Guests: Caitlin, Karen, and Liz from Foxes in the Henhouse

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Fury Road Minute 34 - Not going back


Max emerges from behind the War Rig, ready to confront its driver, but instead finds Joe’s wives washing the dust from their bodies. The women are surprised by Max’s arrival but remain firm in their desire to get away. Undeterred by this unexpected development, Max keeps his firearm leveled at the women and disarms Furiosa.

Special Guests: Caitlin, Karen, and Liz from Foxes in the Henhouse

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Fury Road Minute 33 - Dead Weight


With only one chance to blow Nux’s arm off, Max presses the barrels of his shotgun into his wrist and pulls the trigger. The shell is a dud, but as Max tries to use his teeth to free himself He hears something in the distance. Looking out over the desert, the distant shape of the War Rig appears through the haze beckoning to Max.

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Fury Road Minute 32 - For want of a hacksaw


Max regains his faculties starts the process of freeing himself from his bound state. First he removes the needle draining his blood, then he grabs the gain and follows it to its end, still firmly connected to Nux’s wrist. Max tries prying and shaking, but the manacle is too strong. Max seems to be at a dead end until he spies a familiar object lying nearby.

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Fury Road Minute 31 - Rising from the ashes of this world


The Nux car is destroyed and Furiosa escapes further into the toxic storm, leaving Max’s fate uncertain as Nux’s road flare is swallowed by a fade to black. An indiscernible span of time later, Max stirs from his half-buried slumber and bursts forth from the sand to find himself plagued by some kind of  aural affliction.

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Fury Road Minute 30 - The man who grabs the sun


As the final pursuit vehicle still in the chase, Nux decides to go all-in, and begins filling his car with gasoline, intend on turning himself into a rolling bomb. Max sees this plan blooming and goes on the offensive to stop it from happening. But the fighting between the two men proves fruitless as Furiosa runs them both over with her War Rig.

Special Guests: Johnie Powers from Austin Powers Minute and Niall McGowan from Batminute Returns

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone