Beyond Thunderdome

Beyond Thunderdome Minute 87 - Scrooloose on the loose


As Max settles in behind the wheel of the cowhide car, Scrooloose makes his way to the front of Max’s old camel-drawn wagon and disables the driver with a mighty swing of his frying pan. The wagon veers in front of the generator train and sideswipes another vehicle which rouses the concussed guard. A second swing of the frying pan puts an end to him, and soon Scrooloose finds himself in, what could be considered, control of the vehicle as it speeds along.

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Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Beyond Thunderdome Minute 86 - He's got the man!


While Anna and Skyfish learn conversational French, Eddie is at the back window using Master’s pair of binoculars to survey the landscape. Things seem quiet until, without warning the Bartertown guards are upon them, smashing windows and grabbing for Master. Max is quick to engage the guards but is quickly pulled from the train only to find himself being dragged behind a car covered in cowhides. Not to be outdone, Scrooloose also leaps from the train.

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Beyond Thunderdome Minute 85 - Open your book at page one


Many interesting trinkets can be found in Master’s cabin on the Generator Train, but one above all stands out to Anna Goanna and Mr. Skyfish; the old turntable. Anna is quick to call attention to it and Mr. Skyfish takes Gekko’s sonic and places it on the machine. After inspecting the relic and finding it just as quiet as before, Max steps in and reveals the true nature of the vinyl disc that they’ve carried with them ever since the day the Skyraft was attacked by Turbulents.

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Beyond Thunderdome Minute 84 - There ain't no plan


Clear of Bartertown, Max, Master, Pig killer and the kids seem to be in the clear. With Underworld fading further and further into the distance Max takes a moment to ask Pig killer what their next move is going to be, a question for which there is no answer. Meanwhile, in the cabin at the back of the train, Master is attempting to pack several keepsakes into a bag. This task is thwarted by the children, who are intent on exploring this cabinet of curiosities.

Special Guests: Travis Bow & Eric Nash from Watchmen Minute

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Beyond Thunderdome Minute 83 - We will rebuild!


The terrified wastelanders press towards the exits, but Bartertown’s guards keep them in place as Aunty steps out onto a platform to address the people massing below.  She raises her hands to quiet them, and though explosions continue to erupt around her, Aunty is calm and determined, instructing those gathered to chase after Master and those that took Him from them. The crowd cheers and moments later Aunty leads a rolling armada out into the wasteland.

Special Guests: Travis Bow & Eric Nash from Watchmen Minute

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Beyond Thunderdome Minute 82 - Post-apocalypse Now!


As the Generator Train breaks free of the pipes and wires that hold it in place, Bartertown has descended into complete disarray. The guards struggle to maintain order but the near constant explosions erupting up from Underworld are making the job quite troublesome. The Collector and Dr. Dealgood quickly find themselves shoved aside as the traders that had come to Bartertown flee with their goods. Meanwhile, in a large vat of pig feces, a figure emerges.

Special Guests: Travis Bow & Eric Nash from Watchmen Minute

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Beyond Thunderdome Minute 81 - Hang on!


With Ironbar dealt with, Max, Savannah, and Scrooloose scramble to board the generator train as Pig killer guns the engine. The old generator train roars as it strains against the cables and ducts that hold it in place, but slowly, the connections begin to give way. Topside, Aunty descends from her penthouse as flames erupt from the ground. Sparks leap and smoke billows from ruptured pipes as the generator train laboriously begins to roll forward along its tracks.

Special Guests: Pete the Retailer & Comic Book Alex from Star Wars Minute

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Beyond Thunderdome Minute 80 - All aboard!


Max and Savannah bar the door holding back Aunty’s guards, but their victory is short-lived as the guards begin cutting their way through with a chainsaw. Max and Savannah return to the main chamber where Pig killer and Master are prepared to depart, enthusiastically blowing the train’s horn, but they’re not in the clear just yet. All of the commotions have caught Aunty’s attention through her periscope and it seems that the feed chute didn’t completely disable Ironbar.

Special Guests: Pete the Retailer & Comic Book Alex from Star Wars Minute

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Beyond Thunderdome Minute 79 - Toreador, Toreador!


Max and Pig killer’s reunion is cut short by the dulcet tones of Blackfinger singing a jaunty tune at the beginning of his day, but He quickly discovers that things are not as they should be in Underworld and high tails it out of there, with Max following close behind. Max is able to keep pace with the mechanic, following him through a set of heavy doors, but after rounding a corner He finds that Blackfinger is no longer alone, and the roles have reversed.

Special Guests: Pete the Retailer & Comic Book Alex from Star Wars Minute

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Beyond Thunderdome Minute 78 - No matter where you go, there you are


Ironbar fails to catch Max and the kids in the air vent, but as he returns to the ground He finds that someone has knocked out one of his guards, and spinning around He sees Pig killer standing with Master and Eddie on the generator truck. Pig killer is able to delay Ironbar just long enough for Master to pull a lever and drop a feed chute on Ironbar, knocking him out and bringing Max and the kids sliding down into Underworld from their hiding spot above.

Special Guests: Christy Porter & Gerry Porter from Indiana Jones Minute

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Beyond Thunderdome Minute 77 - Okay, Screwy, let's fly!


Scrooloose is trapped up in the pipes and surrounded by guards, but it’s Mr. Skyfish to the rescue as he swings into action and gets them out of there. and back to the vent where Max and the others are hiding. Now fully aware that there are intruders in Underworld, Ironbar grabs a weapon and tries to attack, but he is foiled by the bumbling antics of his cohorts. Undeterred, Ironbar leads his guards to the pipe, but there’s someone else they need to worry about.

Special Guests: Christy Porter & Gerry Porter from Indiana Jones Minute

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Beyond Thunderdome Minute 76 - No plan survives first contact


Having wandered away from the others, Eddie finds Pig killer tending to the newborn piglets and exhibiting a gentleness that defies his given title. Upon noticing this new face in his prison, Pig killer cannot help but chuckle. Back on the main platform, Scrooloose sits obscured in the pipes that extend above the central platform watching the amusing contest between ruffians below, but his enthusiasm gets the better of him and he is spotted by Ironbar.

Special Guests: Christy Porter & Gerry Porter from Indiana Jones Minute

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Beyond Thunderdome Minute 75 - We're looking for someone


Max closes the opening to the air vent and quickly discovers that the children have gone ahead without him. Crawling along with Savannah and Anna, they eventually catch up to Tubba and Cusha who have found an opening that allows them to peer through to Underworld. Through the smoke and the filth Max is able to spy Master, chained and caged in amongst the pigs. Having found the man he was looking for, Max realizes there are a few kids missing.

Special Guests: Jonathan Carlisle & Tabitha Carlisle from UHF 62nd & Princess Bride Minute

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Beyond Thunderdome Minute 74 - Bartertown, it's our only chance


Scrooloose returns to the group and wakes them up, insistent that they follow him to see what he has found. At the top of a nearby dune the children spot distant lights and they wonder if they have found Tomorrowland, but Max knows that they have stumbled upon Bartertown. Knowing that he was exiled from the town, Max uses an air vent to sneak the children into Bartertown in hopes of finding supplies for the return trip across the nothing.

Special Guests: Jonathan Carlisle & Tabitha Carlisle from UHF 62nd

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Beyond Thunderdome Minute 73 - The second terror of the Fire Swamp


Finn McCoo has disappeared beneath the desert sand and Savannah is close behind as Scrooloose is starting to lose his grip. Luckily for them, Max is there to grab them before they’re both pulled under, but he is too late to save young Finn. Savannah is devastated by the loss of her young son, but it's not dwelled on and the scene fades to the group sleeping on the side of a dune, but Scrooloose is too restless to sleep.

Special Guests: Jonathan Carlisle & Tabitha Carlisle from Princess Bride Minute

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Beyond Thunderdome Minute 72 - Like sand through the hourglass


Having walked very far, Anna Goanna, Tubba Tintye, Eddie, and Max have found something in the distance. It’s Mr. Skyfish’s kite, flying high on the wind, but Savannah and the others are in grave danger. Finn McCoo has fallen into quicksand and is being pulled under, with only a length of fabric connecting him to the human chain that Savannah and the others have formed to pull him out. Despite their struggle, they are losing, and Max must hurry to help them.

Special Guests: Gary Roby & Victoria Cope from Harry Potter Minute

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Beyond Thunderdome Minute 71 - He holds his own


Max, Anna Goanna, and Tubba Tintye are deep in the nothing, on the trail of Savannah and the other leavers. The three hear a call on the wind, but instead of discovering someone ahead of them, they instead find that Eddie, one of the smallest waiting ones, is rushing to join them. Max is terse in his assertion that the little one will have to carry their own weight, but it’s soon shown that Max is willing to carry Eddie on his shoulders as they trek all day and into the night.

Special Guests: Gary Roby & Victoria Cope from Harry Potter Minute

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Beyond Thunderdome Minute 70 - Into the nothing


Having heard Anna Goanna’s request for a hunter, the tribe look to Tubba Tintye, who in turn looks to see that he has been selected to accompany Max and Anna into the nothing. The trio fills their arms with bottles, gourds, and leather flasks before heading out into the dunes. Slake and the other Waiting Ones stand silent as they watch the rescue party disappear into the desert, none of them sure if they will ever see their friends again.

Special Guests: Gary Roby & Victoria Cope from Harry Potter Minute

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Beyond Thunderdome Minute 69 - As much water as I can carry


With a dusty ocean of sand in front of him and a tribe of expectant children behind him, Max must make a decision on what to do next. Anna pleads with him to save Savannah and the others, and despite his better judgement, Max finally agrees with a simple request for as much water as possible. The tribe drops all of their water vessels at Max’s feet and as he begins to collect his supply, Anna states that she is coming along and they should bring a hunter.

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone

Beyond Thunderdome Minute 68 - Savannah's taken them


As Max sits by the fire with Savannah and her crew tied up nearby, he has no idea that Scrooloose is sneaking around behind him. He is shaken awake the next morning by Anna Goanna who informs Max that Savannah and her cohorts were freed during the night and the lot of them have disappeared into The Nothing. Anna drags Max out to the edge of the desert where they find Slake and the other Waiting Ones looking out at the endless expanse of sand.

We have a listener's discussion page on Facebook.
Find it at: Mad Max Minute: Beyond Microphone